Random Thoughts

Lmao I would watch that toy story 4

download (3)

Dennis or not. Me hates celery.

Its sell-AIR-ree.

BTW, Phil is legally dead. Fell off a boat.

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  1. This was 1983. Holy fuck I am so old.


my old Boston Breakers!!!

  1. 4 years before I was born. I didnā€™t even really watch football till 03. I think I was 16. Never was a huge fan in my younger days. So strange. I started out watching seattle and then fell in love with the colts. Now I just watch highlights from the 90s and 80s haha

Breakers were a lot of fun

we went to a bunch of games, so much fun beating the Philly Stars on the last play of the game, Johnny Walton was QB, we crashed the field, we were laying out people left and right with perfect form tacklesā€¦ of man those were the days - Captain Breaker in his get-up in the endzone with usā€¦ God they were a blast. The closest we had to a College game day type atmosphere in this region ever!!

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I like it.

My profile picture is Barry Allen :slight_smile: AKA The Flash

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Ugggh. They changed the sick time policy at work last year (for the worse), so now everybody who is not in the middle of dropping dead comes in with whatever they caught from their Petri Dish Kids or from their latest flight in those airborne germ-spreading labs known as ā€œcommercial airlines.ā€

As a result, Iā€™ve picked up some flu-like symptoms from a co-worker.

Iā€™m going to the local urgent care to see if one of those ā€œearly onsetā€ flu pills they now have will stop this thing in its tracks.

At the very least, I will have documentation of my illness, so that if I canā€™t go in to work next Monday, the Boss canā€™t accuse me of having a Super Bowl hangover. :face_vomiting:

I am so completely over winter. Temps here supposed to dip into the high 70s today.

I got a new supervisor about 18 months ago and he is a clueless jackass. He decided that he was going to stop paying us sick time unless we came to work and saw the on site nurse. Ignoring the fact that some times people call in sick for other reasons than being sick, there is no nurse on duty for night shift or weekends. When we pointed that out he said doesnā€™t matter come to work anyway. Now we have people deathly ill coming to work and spreading their pestilence (because the company nurse is never going to send someone home). I canā€™t wait for the Corona virus to kill us all. Thatā€™ll show him.

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Maybe it kills him first, then you can all go home sick.

Edit: I tested negative for the flu, so that TamiFlu or its competitor were not an option. I also canā€™t blame the flu shot for not protecting me against this.

Instead, I got the ā€œdrink plenty of fluids, sleep with the humidifier on if you have one, use Flonase, Mucinex, and Tylenol as neededā€ advice. At least, for the $235 that Urgent Care charged my HSA, I didnā€™t have to pay for any expensive prescriptions. :hospital:

Iā€™m the luckiest guy ever. Just as I got over my cold a couple weeks ago, my spouse and I have legit been throwing up since 5 pm last night. Ughā€¦ if anyone wants to help take care of our kid we would appreciate it.

Iā€™m off the next couple of days. If you want to FedEx the baby down here I will watch him

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Iā€™d poke some air holes in the box and put some lettuce and junk in there for him to eat.

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Lmao deAl!!!