The circle is closing (Corona Catch All)


Tom and Rita surviving could be the “Magic Johnson is surviving HIV” moment for this particular disease.

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I have finally come to a conclusion after researching all the disparate reports and talking points the last few weeks and it’s really as simple as this.

It is very contagious, some will die but most won’t.

The world’s reaction should objectively reflect that.

My story and I’m sticking to it.

I agree. And most people WILL get it at this point. It’s just a matter of time.

Don’t mean to cross post forums but Bid just posted this on a post about the low traffic levels in Boston.

IMHO it is the irrational reaction to this virus that is and will do the most damage.

This is going to be a study case on MSM and Social Media in years to come.

"Regarding the traffic, yes, it was like a holiday driving in this morning. I expect the small agency I work for to tell us to stay home and day now. That’s fine for them and me. I have a nearly 90 year old mom living with me and I wouldn’t be optimistic of her chance at survival if she gets it.

The concern for me is for those who can’t work from home. Not the virus itself, the vast majority of people who contract it will have no issues. But businesses who will suffer or shut down. My wife has run a small non-profit substance abuse counseling agency for 25+ years. She’s very worried right now. A 2-3 week shut down may force her to close down her life’s work. Restaurants are going to be hit hard, malls, brick and mortar stores. Lot’s of people are going to go without paychecks and some people will see their business go down.

This is not a good thing at all."

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14 days in isolation is nothing for Tom Hanks.


92 confirmed cases in MA right now.

From our friend Piggy. I found this interesting. View from a guy that has the virus.

I dont think any one is saying thus is a good thing. No one wants anyone to lose their business. But the alternative at this point us to gamble that it won’t be that bad and just go on about our lives without making any changes.

And if we lose that bet its what… ten times worse? Twenty?

I think we’re past the point where we can afford to do nothing.

IMO as much as the media fueling hysteria isn’t helping, the other side…the people who just pass this off as a complete fabrication…are just as bad. People act like since we have smart phones and cars and modern hospitals that we couldn’t suffer some sort of really serious worldwide epidemic. We will. Maybe it isn’t Covid19. But someday there will be something. And it won’t be taken seriously because people would rather push an agenda and complain how not being able to watch a game is more important than taking some precaution.

It will be like Katrina. All those people who said Pffft…we’ve had hurricanes before. Media hype blah blah blah. And then all the dead bodies floating around the flooded city.

Wow power 5 conferences just killed their conf tourneys.

The World Health Organization has announced that dogs cannot contract Covid-19. Dogs previously held in quarantine can now be released. To be clear, WHO let the dogs out.


WTF, man? Perfect. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :heart: :heart: :heart:


For those that didn’t catch this yesterday.

Some are gonna freak out cuz of Trump Derangement Syndrome but the measures being undertaken and the principles involved in these are pretty damn good.

( As expected, Pornhub offers free Premium access to all Italian residents and donates all of March profits.)

Lmao shit getting serious with Stephen king.

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Love it.

Too soon?

NSFW … unless you are working from home, and your kids are not around.

Australian Football is going to play in front of empty stadiums, for now.

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