Last movie you saw and rate it from 1(being the worse) to 10(the best)

So, I saw Joker last night.This is not a superhero movie. I found it to be a well made, philosophically despicable movie with one hell of a great performance by Jouaguin Phoenix.

Most of the movie was a disturbing backdrop to the creation of the Joker and by creation I mean the film proposes that Joker was created by a failing society and that he touched off a violent war against the rich who were portrayed as the worst among men.

I suppose I can recommend it for the film making and great acting. But this is a lazy, morally bankrupt, intellectual attempt to garner favor with those who think wealth creation to be immoral.


Agreed!! I though it was fantastic!

Off to See Ad Astra with Brad Pitt, Tommy Lee Jones and Donald Sutherland.

I’ll report back later. :slight_smile:

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So … the movie is a thinly veiled protest against Trump?


Heard it’s fantastic!!! Let us know!!

Actually kind of , yes! It is very close to Allan Moore’s Killing Joke (great Joker origin) but they make it more modern day too and ties in with a lot of politics.

Tyler have you watched Watchmen?

I am more of a casual fan of the graphic novel and original movie, but I knew the gist if the story. I thought the HBO tv show was pretty fantastic and thought they tied the story being told now to the original material in pretty interesting ways without disturbing what was already canon.

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Thinly veiled yes. But it speaks to a deeper level of hatred of the wealthy that’s been eternal but growing stronger by the day.


I have seen the movie and I thought it was also fantastic. It’s been along time since I have seen it. I think I actually saw it in theaters and haven’t seen it since. I have never read the graphic novels however they tie them into the DC universe sometimes. The watchmen are definitely cool characters and apparently the graphic novels are extremely bloody. I should give them a try

Not sure it’s really growing. I just think all these new social media channels have given it more vents.


I dont know, I see candidates running on the platform of destroying the wealthy more and more these days.



10/10. About the 1925 huskies that took a man 325 miles to get serum for the sick kids. Based on a true story. William Dafoe (spelling ?) was the main actor. Incredible movie. Shows they Balto got all the credit but should t have. Very good movie.


That is a lot of dogs


In Arizona, I met a Native named Lowell (coincidence alert) who said his Father once won the Iditarod.

I mean, Jeez, to say that for one point in your life, you were the best among BILLIONS at something.

Chicks dig it.

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Lmao I meant year bahaahhah

Watched Nell last night with Jodie Foster and liam Neeson.

Very, very good.

I watched it at the request of my BF who is not into intellectual (snuffy stuff as she calls them :slight_smile: ) pursuits.

Great heartwarming moving about the concept of nature vs nurture and had a terrific subplot about individual rights.

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Watching The Truman Show. Some how Jo, in her 50 years has missed this wonderful movie.

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Just watched Joker again and there was so much I missed the first time.

This was a complete descent into madness by Arthur and society as a whole.

Brilliant movie.

Watching Fight Club for the umpteenth time. Such great lines.

“I am Jack’s raging bile duct.”

“I haven’t been f@$ed like that since grade school.” :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

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Lmao love fight club. Such a good one, I also hVe watched it a few times haha

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