I’m drunk
How’s everyone ?
I’m drunk
How’s everyone ?
Here’s Wayne
Nice looking polos
It’s 11:22 my time.
Time for more whiskey
I jab e to pee
Peeing while Texing
Ok back
How’s everyone ?
I’m doing great. Getting ready to make a pita pocket pizza with mass cream cheese, pepperoni, sauce and mozzarella.
It may look a total trainwreck but it tastes oh so amazing.
What the hell did you do to end up on the couch tonight, TD?
My god that sounds amazing my man!!! Jesus. I wish I was there
Well I had a ton of whiskey and I snore. Also our dog had surgery tonight on his shoulder and Leah wanted him in the bed tonight. He was wimpering a lot tonight so I let him stay in the bed. What the hell. I’ll stay up and have some more whiskey lol.
It is amazing tasting. Everyone tells me it’s a heart attack recipe like much else I eat. But against all sense and reason I am healthy as a muthafucka despite 49 years of destroying myself a good deal of the time. Good genes is all I can chalk it up to.
And poor puppy. Good that he gets the bed tonight, I think. Or are you gonna arrest him and send him to the can per your job description, or is that not your job anymore, harrassing harmless animals.
Man that sounds amazing I’m jealous !
Lmao, I still arrest animals. If he isn’t behaving his ass is in the slammer hahahahaha. No just kidding. I just issue the warrants to the idiots that let their animals out on the streets and the animals are dangerous.
I’ll just continue with my whiskey !!
Alright I’m gonna smoke bowl with my roommate but ill still be around if ya don’t pass out, man.
Sounds beautiful my man!!! Enjoy! I’ll be around for another hour or two!
Alright my man I’m gonna pass out
Have one hell of a night !!
Good morning, my friends
Have a good day!