12.18.21 - Patriots @ Colts. Game Time

I tired google translate & got nothing


Good Saturday morning, everyone




Good morning and happy Paturday. Big game tonight against Tyler’s Colts.

1, 2 Barmore’s coming for you, 3, 4 better lock your door, 5,6 grab your crucifix, 7,8 gonna stay up late, 9,10 Colts will never sleep well again.


Christian Barnore is one bad young man on the D-line. Remember this rookie’s name as he turns into a beast for year’s to come.

What a draft by Bill, his assistant GM Nike (his dog) and the rest of the Pats personnel department.

Together with a free agent spending spree enabled by some very shrewd moves Bill has rebuilt the Patriot into a great team in just 1 year. A monster in the making coming together at the right time predicated on a stellar defense, a brutal pounding running game (who in their right mind wants tackle the 250 rookie running back Stevenson crushing the LOS or catching a pass) and a passing attack and in the hands of one helluva rookie quarterback in Mac Jones.




So, as I mentioned me and my best friend Jo (Johanne) were hacked and I mean hacked in a manner I’ve never seen before in my nearly 30 years online. It was so pervasive I even entertained the thought that the Feds had finally grown weary of my lifelong fight against their encroaching on freedoms and were looking to take me down.

Probably didn’t run that deep but it was crazy. They were watching and listening through the cameras and microphones on our phones everything we were doing, including the occasional “roll in ze hay”.

They were one step ahead of my every attempt to secure our devices as they continued committing felonies through them with our ip addresses and in our names rendering the authorities very tricky to approach about this.

They went so far as to shut down all text and phone services on my device when I tried to contact a new phone company to change numbers and service at Walmart.

On top of my work as a psuedonymed freelance writer, which they messed with hard, I sell products online of interest to me such as consumer electronics complete with design and implementation services as one other income source. Yeah they completely screwed with that part of my world rendering me helpless to complete orders and even destroyed my ability to contact my customers, many of whom who were awaiting delivery of orders that up and disappeared and when I contacted the businesses where I sell and even my phone company and Drs office. The hackers had a network of " customer service" types answer my calls which were apparently redirected to them as well as invading the online support chat systems of the likes of eBay and my cell phone company in attempts to gain more info to screw with me on.

I literally did not know what was real or not for over 2 months and as my world is, to a large degree, online that was quite unsettling and and disorienting.

I finally enlisted the help of some hacker and IT friends of my own and tracked some of these bastiges down and we began taking them down one by one.

It turns out at the bottom of it all resides Jo’s youngest daughter(30) in a full hearted attempt to destroy my life. She hates my guts for reasons that are completely irrational to me, but in doing so she caused great harm to her mom’s accounts.

Now I have a very tough decision on my hands. Take her down legally as she violated at least a half dozen federal statutes including wire tapping which would likely end the best friendship I’ve ever had, in Jo or run the risk of being associated with said crimes committed through my compromised devices.

On a bright and shiny note, the motherboard on my PC which holds 8 terabytes of my files essential to my life and world blew up yesterday and for now I’m dead in the water.

I ordered a new motherboard and all will be right in the world again but I got to thinking about my PC. I built this sucker with my own hands with high end parts 10 years ago. It certainly owes me nothing. What a great return in investment as it still ran top notch with every new tech coming down the pike.

As my dear friend Kelly was fond of saying, this life and world is a bed of roses, just watch out for the pricks.

Happy day. :grin::upside_down_face::grinning::stuck_out_tongue::stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:


Lmao man

I had way too much to drink hahahahaha

Morning all. How’s everyone ??


Man that’s insane!!

Any idea how the hacks happen? That’s scary how some people can do that so easy…… glad life is back to normal for you guys my man.


Yeah, it started with Jos daughter infecting my devices through a media server I run on my system.


One of the messed up things is I would get anonymous taunting messages run through my apps whenever I attempted to secure my devices.



What the fuck…… man that’s crazy. I say you and me track these fuckers down LIAM NEESON TAKEN STYLE! Take them out.


Oh, I am and have. Totally wrecked their networks and shit with the help of my own hacker friends. :wink:


Almost afraid to say hi, but HOLA


Good morning sunshine. No fear. It’s a beautiful day in the neighborhood. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Well, Mac Jones Is Our QB1


download (2)


Yes, indeed he is and I am incredibly grateful to the 14 maroons that passed on him so he fell right in Darth Hoodies lap.

Good move guys. Bill plays 4D chess and all that jazz.:star_struck:


Hahahaa that’s awesome man. I would expect. Nothing less from you. If they’re gonna fuck with you or your woman, at least make them remember it !!


I hope for a great game tonight guys !!!

What’s everyone doing for the game

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I tend to watch the game alone. The family will stop a bit here and there but basically leave me along when it comes to football and baseball. LOLOL

I get kinda of loud, fussing at the tv, fussing at the officials and such.

I will probably be logged in here since it be nice that Tyler is here and it his team we will beat.

As far as snacks, I already made a trip to BJ so have the drinks and snacks and will make some sandwiches to have on hand for myself.

Granted if the family decides to watch a bit I will make sure they know of what is available to snack on and such.


I will engage in epic level substance embibing and hang out with you all here and on the Planet as well as a few friends who are coming over including the stunningly beautiful, to my eyes, mind an soul, Chara. One brilliant woman and a life’s love and desire for over 30 years now.

I plan to be intoxicated enough to run out the old fallback quote from “Monday Night Broadway Joe Namath”, “I wanna kiss you”. :kiss: :sweat_smile:


Hahahahah. Sounds awesome Muse.

I’ll be around a bit !!!

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