Good Friday morning, everyone
Have a great day!
Sox on a little win streak
Celtics destroyed the Heat
Go Oilers tonight
Good Friday morning, everyone
Have a great day!
Sox on a little win streak
Celtics destroyed the Heat
Go Oilers tonight
Good morning, everyone
Enjoy your day!
Morning all!!!
I’m a sorcerer. I said before the Blues Avs game it would be 4-1 Blues final
And it was. Wow!!!
Dammit, could really go for a hot dog now!
That one just has mustard on it, sometimes I do that… But sometimes I will add a bit of relish or even Mayo. I am crazy like that.
The very very odd time, I will add ketchup but as discussed earlier, me and Jack aren’t big ketchup fans.
This day needs to end, we are going to leahs paren’ts to drop the dogs off… And then have to hurry back for the Oilers game at 8:30.
Hotdogs on the grill are the best. Agreed?
Definitely!!! I actually rarely eat boiled or microwave hot dogs. Only time I do that isw when I have beans and weiners for lunch at work. But otherwise grill all day long!
THere is a guy downtown that makes foot long hot dogs downtown, and holy man they are fantastic. I could eat his foot long weiner all day long
If we could all just take a minute or second out of our day to love and appreciate… How absolutely dominant this big dick Nick was two nights ago. That would be great.
That looks delicious!!! Dammit, stop it Joolz you’re making me hungry
We have a place called the Chuckwagon and apparently they do AMAZING breakfast hot dogs. hahahah I will have to try it one of these days. My friend at the bank when I worked there years ago said they were amazing.
That’s a good looking dog right there, even has the grill marks.
Change of subject,
this was a great scene
Good morning!
Breakfast hotdogs? Are they different from regular hotdogs?
I rewatched the Celtics game this morning. WOOHOO. I loved how Marcus Smart mouthed to the team, “Let’s Fing Go!”, a great amount of Celtics fans at the game, more WOOHOO
And guess what? It is possible for two Boston teams to win on the same day. LO
Morning Muse!
I am not totally sure because I haven’t had them before, but when my friend had them I think they had eggs and some kind of egg benedict sauce or something and tiny little pieces of breakfast potato strings in there topped off with ketchup or something . It looked awesome
It does.