What type of leagues do you prefer to play in?
- Redraft Only
- Keeper Only
- Dynasty Only
- A Mixture of League Types
What size leagues do you prefer to play in?
- 8-10 teams
- 12-14 teams
- 16-24 teams
- Bigger than 24 teams
What size rosters do you prefer to play with?
- Less than 20
- 20-25
- 26-30
- 31-35
- Bigger than 35
Wow, multi pole is very cool.
I wish I could answer. I have not played since I was in a keeper league with Priest Holmes and Shaun Alexander. After I won, they weirdly decided to have it NOT be a keeper league any longer.
I have not played since in protest.
Its working Admin. You’ve got Fantasy Football on the ropes. A couple of more seasons and it will all come crashing down.
If you got thomas144 over here his head would probably explode