Good morning fam.
Have a wonderful day
Happy Wingsday Jasper, Ashland & Lapis
Morning good folks. Have a great day!
Good morning Wings Day, everyone. May it be warm and safe and wonderful.
Good morning and have a great day, my friends
From Auntie Joolz too
Wingsday in Decorah
The videos are a bit long but fast forward is an option.
January 13th: The Norths visit the nest.
January 12th: Stick Depot is open.
January 11th: Nestorations and closeups.
Warm isn’t going to happen
We are ordering beaks chicken today at the office
I shall get the chicken sandwich!
Tonight, Oilers play at 7:30! I might get crazy and watch that
Not sure what’s for supper. Might be ham and potatoes
Oilers game is on TNT so I can watch tonight
Yeah, here neither. LOLOL
Just now in SongPop I was challenged in a 007 category. I had no idea The Pretenders were part of The Living Daylights soundtrack.
Love me some Pretenders
Only two games on tonight so that’s good lol!
The chicken sandwich is fantastic!
So this morning I was getting Belle out of her car seat, and pressed the button that loosens her seatbelt and my thumb got caught in it and it ripped a chunk of my skin off
My thumb has been bleeding all day and through bandaids! I think I need stitches. Frick it was nasty and super painful
So annoying.
This afternoon on GSN they were airing old Jeopardy! It was Ken’s original run and it was his 3rd game. Random observations. Nobody went fishing for Daily Doubles. They started at the top and worked down. All three men had on a suit jacket and tie.