Tuesday 12.12

Good morning, Tyler

Man, Levis played pretty good last night.

Have a great day

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Morning Jack

Sorry for the late reply haha. Busy morning

Have a good day my man.

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I’m drinking coffee

Three meetings today. Busy.

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No prob I figured you were busy

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Oilers tonight. I’ll watch some but probably won’t make the entire game

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Hope you’re having a good day, Tyler

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You too buddy!

Quick lunch and then two meetings this afternoon!

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I’ll be in the same boat. 9:00 start time for me

Belle had us up at 4:30. Ugh insane. I couldn’t get back to sleep once she was awake. Damn early rising kids. Killer.

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Ayden’s fault. That’s the way I see it anyway

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Lmao. Nope Belle’s fault, but since I can’t choke slam her. I’ll choke slam the boy :joy:

Not fair I know, but just how it is

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Day is flying by today. Holy smokes.

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Chicken tacos for supper tonight! I’m excited.

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Sounds delicious!

Vegetable soup in the slow cooker

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Been thinking a lot about the Colts game this Saturday. It’s a big one. Awesome that we can watch together

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Should be a good one my man!!!

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Heading home

Be back in a couple hours buddy.

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Watching some highlights of Connor Bedard & he is something special.

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It’s gonna be a beautiful thing.




Miss Eck like crazy!!!