Thursday - Nov 30

Have a good day all.

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Good morning
Have a great day

Maybe we’ll get a pop in from Joolzie today

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Oilers and jets tonight

Big game. Jets are rolling. So are the oilers. !

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Cowboys -Seahawks tonight but I don’t like either team

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I’ll be watching the oilers lol. Don’t think I have watched a single Thursday night game this year hahaha

But oilers trump NFL unless it’s colts.

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Ayden has soccer as well tonight.

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Soccer from 5-6 and then home. Probably pick up McDonald’s like we always do after soccer and then oilers!

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And tomorrow my car goes in to get the command start repaired. It isn’t working for some stupid reason.

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Chicken nuggets for Ayden?

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As always lmao

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Double cheeseburger for me :blush:

And fries

And coke

And quarter pounder

And apple pies

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How’s Leah’s back?

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Good today buddy!

Which means…… :wink:

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I’m home. Going number two!

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Ayden soccer in an hour.

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Leah got offer d a job after her mat leave back at RCMP!!! Different unit but perm full time.

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Home! Time for vodka

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Ayden scored a goal tonight!!

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I’m going to pee.

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