Sunday - November 26

Morning all
Go colts ?

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Good morning, friends.

Go Colts
Go Pats
Go all our teams

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Hell yes. Colts need this win man

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Leah’s parents coming over this afternoon.

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I’m going number two.

Everybody , wait here.

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I’m done pooping

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If Houston wins today they’re first in the division


And if we win we’re just a half game out and we already beat Houston.

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6-5 we would be. My bad

One game back

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Last game of the season against Houston could be massive!!!

Like… we’re talking my penis type massive!!!

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I want the Texans to beat the Jagoffs. Never liked them.

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Agreed buddy. And I really like Stroud. He’s a stud

Lawrence looks like he has a camel toe , so he isn’t a stud

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I see a lot of me and you in Stroud.

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Just complete studs

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Game time!

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Leah is vacuuming.

Hurry up, woman. Game is about to start :rage:

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Close but we have a much better arm than him

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Unplug it

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Here we go!!

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Win this fucking game and get to 6-5!! Let’s go!

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