Saturday 06.01.24- Tigers (Olson) at Red Sox (Criswell) @ 4:10

Good morning and enjoy your day, friends :two_hearts:

Happy Caturday, Leo, Gemma, Cat, Ike, Ollie, Chloe, and Scrappy :heart_eyes_cat:


Good morning, all

Have a wonderful day

Go Sox

The dreaded 4:10 start time


:smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Good morning, my peeps. I hope it is a great day for all.

Happy Caturday Leo(awesome cat, Gemma(sweetheart), Cat( friend to Jack), Ike,Ollie and Chloe(three beauties) and Scrappy friend to the Tyler family. Hmm is Scrappy going with them, he is right?


Good question. Hola, Musie :hugs:

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Headed here to do a little mountain bike cycling today

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Looks like fun, Jack. Enjoy!

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Happy Caturday!

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Morning good folks!!!

Muse, no the cat will not be coming with us

Just the fam and the dogs!

We will be getting a new cat when we move to our new house. But Leah’s parents hate cats and wouldn’t let one in haha.


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Already 1-0 Tigers in the 1st

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Valdez bong ties it 1-1

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I got scolded.

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Sox leading 6-1 top of the 8th

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Sox win 6-3

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I have returned. Joolzie gets the Sox another win! Hope everyone had a nice day. Had a lot of fun today.

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I am bummed that this was the first game thread I couldn’t participate in.

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You had better things to do, Jack, and enjoyed doing it :slightly_smiling_face:

I wish I could have watched more of it. I only saw a bit of the 8th or 9th. It was a great game on a beautiful day in Boston with the Sox in City Connect uniforms.

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Get us another W tomorrow.

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