Patriots Planet

They talk about the Patriots non stop there including “Hammock Patties” Clay on PP, wishing injury on Brady all the time.

I hope the Patriots are in the Chiefs players’ heads as much as they are in the fans’ heads.

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Patriots Planet is back.

It was nice having some new peeps on board this afternoon. Hope Patriots Planet goes down again soon :grin:


Lol!!! Ya I like this board. I get along great with everyone on here. I do on Pats planet as well too though. But being that I talk majority of Red Sox this is where I belong lol. Once and a while I chime in on a conversation about Peyton Manning, then it gets heated and then I leave again lol. :rofl:


I only came over it because of the most recent outage on the Planet…While I think the software is pretty interesting, there just doesn’t seem to be as much content…I’ll keep poking my head in…got to get those levels up!



Nice to see you, headcase. I too wish there was more participation. Hope to see you again soon.

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And we get deep on this forum. The other day I shared my love of corn dogs :slight_smile:

The old catch 22. People hesitate to participate because of less activity, when their participation would mean more activity. :wink:

I get it though, and I am certainly not criticizing you. It is hard with limited free time to spend too much energy on a slower site, and that is perfectly ok. It works a backup when the old Planet is down, and that is good. :slight_smile:

The truth is we need to attract people from a wider audience too.


Honestly, I like that it’s a bit slower myself. Being apart of the Colts forum and Sox planet. And on Pats planet at times. It’s nice having a smaller group here. I think that’s why we can joke around so much in here, hardly ever is there a heated argument or anything. Pretty laid back in here

Though Apparently Joolz claims my Big Dick Rick posts are creepy. I think deep down she laughs.


I should have used coffee guy coffee because I was joking around. I really didn’t mind them and was teasing you.


Lol I know you were. I was just being funny.


What do you get when you mix Coffee Guy with Big Dick Rick?



Take a gander over to the politics section:

I have no idea which way you lean politically and I don’t particularly care! My two previous playmates have run out on me!
