I'm very drink

Hahahaha that’s the best. Tonight I plan on having a few beers :slight_smile:

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friday the 13th makes me hope this is just a one day issue

Round two.

I’m taking you down t’ keel ya.

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Me too. My battle with MGD. Working on my 5th. My goal is to hit 9 tonight

Good Lord, online Nephew. Your Online Uncles TheP, John, and Sprocket are going to have to come up there and teach you how to drink the good stuff.


Speaking of good stuff

At Christmas my brother brought me w variety of dark beers brewed in Winnipeg. Omg were they good. There was a dark honey lager that was so delicious. Had about 15 of them in one night

But I’ll admit. I do like MGD lol

This post is absolutely useless without the names of said dark beers.

I’ll grab the names tomorrow. Can’t remember off the top of my head. They are a local beer. But delicious. Just can’t remember off the top of my head at the moment.

One of them I was talking about

So delicious.

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Fort Garry. Thanks.


Kind of gave me some gas, but delicious lol

The liquor store had a run on vodka the last couple days according to my friend friend Bonnie that works there and my favorite Swedish potato vodka was outta stock so I picked up some Skyy. Not horrible and I love the bottle.

Rockin’ it right now.

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Not that bad.

This is a sure sign I’m an alcoholic isn’t it?


All delicious choices friend. I’m drinking captain Morgan spice rum and coke

Making 6 shotters a time. I’ll be ready for bed soon lmao

I made this concoction using my Keurig coffee/espresso machine with milk frother.

It consists of:

  • A shot of espresso made with Dunkin Original Blend
  • A six-ounce cup of coffee brewed on the “strong” setting, also with Dunkin original blend
  • Two shots of Irish Creme Liquor (it’s the Costco knock-off brand, not Bailey’s)
  • Frothed 2% milk, Cappuccino style

Shoulda sprinkled some cinnamon on top of it. Oh well, next round.



Wow that looks delicious!!!

I’ll have my usual rum and coke hahaha

Sort of the same thing as my concoction … depressant (alcohol) plus stimulant (caffeine).


For the second round, I still went with the shot of espresso, the two shots of Irish Cream, and the frothed milk, but this time instead of a second cup of strong coffee, I substituted 6 ounces of strong-brewed dark chocolate.

And, oh yeah, this time I remembered the cinnamon. :coffee:

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My only thing is, if I had caffeine now I wouldn’t sleep hahaha.