Good morning my friends & have a good day
Another cold & snowy day
Good morning my friends & have a good day
Another cold & snowy day
Good morning, gang. I hope it is an awesome day for you all.
Morning folks;!! Have a great day.
Remember late last year I mentioned how I was disputing three withdrawals from my bank? Well, they finished all the investigation and found out that yeah I was correct I did not make those three charges, so over $100 back in my account
Take that scammers.
It was easy to prove on my end and I am sure on their
Sadly, I know not everyone gets their money back.
Good morning and enjoy your day, my friends
How do you all multi quote here?
I have no idea
After I quote one I scroll down and quote another. So hard to explain.
Thanks, Joolzie!
I will practice. I thought it was press quote as well twice but it did not pop up. On my phone maybe. Anyhoo. LOL
I love our little BSU family
Me and Leah are taking the kids to her brothers tonight for a few hours so I won’t be active tonight. Or till later !
Have a good time, Tyler!
Freestyle Friday in Decorah
January 6th: Building and beaking (flirting) at the North Nest.
January 6th: DNF was busy with nest defense.
January 8th: The fabulous Mr. North.
January 9th: DNF caught a trout for breakfast.
Nice pics, Joolzie
Going out to dinner & will be back later. Ohio St. plays tonight