Friday - Dec 8

Morning Jack and if Joolz and Muse pop in

Hope everyone has a great day.

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Good morning, gang

Have a great day

Hope Musie is doing okay

Good to see Joolzie pop in occasionally & hope she is recovering & doing better

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Hope everyone is having a good day.

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Hope you’re having a good day buddy

Muse gave an update but it’s long and work is busy so I can’t read it right now. Will read later and report back!

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Tonight is fine. Hope work is going well, obviously you are running that shit, & we’ll chat pantless tonight

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Hell yes we will!!

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Muse is doing good, buddy. Going through a lot but she’s holding up! Shes a tough cookie !!

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Glad she’s hanging in there! I miss both of our beautiful ladies

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Me too buddy!

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Oilers play the Wild tonight. I don’t get the game. Bummer

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Home Jack. Time to party

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We will kick ass tonight. Go Oilers

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I’ll be home all night

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Sausage and Pierogies tonight for supper

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Smackdown at 7 and oilers at 8!

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And chaim Bloom is a dork

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Glad he’s gone

But we need to make moves. Every team I. Division is except us.

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Already there brother

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Brooke is Christmas shopping with one of her friends tonight so I’m flying solo

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