Figured we should keep this outta Joolz Sox game thread.
Kemba with the dagger. C’s up 3 with 41 secs to go.
What network is the game on?
ESPN unfortunately but it’s a great game.
And that’s the game. After being down big earlier the C’s take a 2-0 lead against te champs.
They have a legit shot at banner 18 this year.
Thanks. I guess I was checking after the game was over because I saw tennis.
Celtics the better team so far. Damn
Good game tonight.
I heard all the local “experts” downing this team after Kyrie and Average Al left for greener pastures. “They have no shot at a good year.” I knew they did and Kemba has been a great replacement for Kyrie, total team player that can turn it on but doesn’t have to on this team with a true superstar in the making in Jason Tatum, Jaylen Brown, Marcus Smart etc.
Ya people we’re saying some about Toronto when Kawai left. Glad Boston and Toronto did awesome this year. I’m ok with the Celtics doing good!