Browns’ OT Greg Robinson was alleged to have 157 pounds - 157 pounds! - of marijuana

That’s a personal use amount, right?

Nate Newton had 213 lbs… small time

Well, it would be personal use for me. :rofl:

But seriously, even leaving personal tastes out of it there is a moral issue here with this law. I find it repugnant.

Same here. Sell it, tax it, use the revenues to pay back Congress’ IOUs to Social Security.

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I’m no expert but I’m pretty sure that is a lot of pot.

The hidden dark side of legalized weed

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Heh, my dogs used to love weed so much they would steal my bags and eat them when I was young. It was like catnip to them. :rofl:

Did you get a brochure from the vet?

I gave my cat cat nip one. She freaked out and pissed all over the couch.

:slight_smile: The cat here just runs around all happy. My dogs just used to wanna play then take a good long nap.

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My dogs do that too, and there’s never been any weed around here … to my knowledge.

Now, if my mutts managed to steal some cash out of my wallet and find their way to the dispensary, I’d probably have too much respect for that caper to punish them.

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My dogs nap all day. That’s their life, until summer. Then they do flyball, agility and disc. Winter they get fat and lazy


No Canine Musical Freestyle?

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So flyball.

The team that shows up with the most greyhounds wins?

Well, I’m sure he’s a pretty big dude.