Soon folks!!! Sooooooon, these will be game day threads
Let’s post some sexy mother fuckers shall we?
Soon folks!!! Sooooooon, these will be game day threads
Let’s post some sexy mother fuckers shall we?
Bobby Dalbec
I’ll continue this when I’m sober
Way too much sexy in this thread
Please Muse and Jack, don’t post Wentz. That is ugly and will ruin this beautiful thread
Ayden woke up.
Great news. He’s breathing great and normal. !!
But he had a nightmare…… likely tubbies lmao
Good morning, everyone
So happy to hear Ayden is better
Have a great day!
Soon! I can’t wait!
Sexy Nat and Big Sexy JD. Woohoo!
Good to hear about Ayden. Yay!
Good morning, everyone.
It is thundering pretty bad so will log off soon.
More of big sexy, JD
Also, Good morning, everyone. Have a good Caturday
Storm has temporarily slowed down. Since I am working on edits for one of my books I figured I relogged to see some amazing pictures and see some amazing people.
I love those cats!
I love Tyler’s dogs. Man, it is a shame we all don’t live closer together
Happy Caturday, Innocent Leo and Gemma!
Too much cuteness !!!