Waking up to pee. Happy Sunday guys
Good Sunday morning, gang. Hope everyone has a nice restful & relaxing day.
Jack, per last night, you mentioned that Leo would get you back for scaring him. How so? Curious minds want to know.
Good morning, everyone!
Morning guys!!! Super bowl sunday!!!
Everyone , I have an announcement
I farted. I feel shame.
Well he will do something like jump up on a bookshelf & knock stuff off looking right at me when his little paw is smacking stuff.
Hope Joolzie is feeling okay.
Agreed jack. Hope joolz is feeling better.
Oh, dear. Yeah that’s very apparent in your face.
Chiming in, hope Joolz is feeling better.
Good morning, family. Thanks for the concern
I feel about the same and best guess a touch of the flu. I’ll be taking it easy today.
Is there anything that is helping you at all?
What is this Super Bowl of which you speak?