Sorry, Baby Belle. Auntie Joolz sends love and hugs
Thanks Joolz!!!
Feel better, Belle
Thanks Jack!
Ugh my throat is a bit sore tonight. I better not be catching it. Grrr
What you good folks got going on tonight
Going to watch Bengals - Ravems
Oh I forgot that was on. I’m gonna do that too.
Once Belle goes to sleep at seven. She’s going early tonight
How’s Ayden doing
Great. He never gets sick lately. Knock on wood. Been months since he got sick. Hasn’t missed daycare in about five months
I have a sore thumb but don’t worry about me guys. I’ll recover
I’m a tough warrior.
How’s the canker sore
Oh come on JoolZ. Tune in. It should be a good game
Well folks I think I’m gonna get the kids to bed. Well Belle anyway. Ayden at eight and chill
You good folks have a great night. Chat tomorrow
Goodnight, Tyler
Goodnight, Tyler and family
Sleep well folks
I’ll sleep nude
Bengals up seven to nothing.