The NFL and NFLPA are discussing the possibility of shortening the 2020 preseason

Is it this year the new playoffs happen?

14 teams make playoffs? Or did I dream that ?

The goal of the NFL is to make the season end on the Sunday of President’s Day weekend so it is the largest watch event ever!!!

Double-edge sword.

Bringing in more players to cover for COVID-19 means increasing the chances that at least one player has COVID-19.

I guess if you test everyone’s temperature before they enter the facility, you can mitigate the chances of a general outbreak.

NFL owners approved a proposal today to cover the seats closest to the field, then place sponsor logos over those seat coverings.

My seats are gone, row 2 covered.

Really? Your seats were that good? Sorry, man

I used to be row 14 but that was given up for full time kindergarten. But I always got tickets to games thru the Pats season ticket holders website.

This year, with kids out of school I am back in the season tickets and have row 2, I will most likely be paying for next seasons tickets by June 30th.

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